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Plaza Party Pics

The Martha Stewart Weddings 15th Anniversary was a Who's Who of the wedding industry. It felt like a party thrown for my favorite people in the industry -- so here's a little peek at some of the luminaries in attendance.
Amsale Aberra, our favorite bridesmaid (and bridal) designer, sporting a pipecleaner ring with host for the evening, Darcy Miller.
Floral designer extraordinaire Preston Bailey looking dapper.
Cake diva Sylvia Weinstock eating -- sushi!
Me, band leader Greg Denard, Jennifer and Darcy in a group hug just before the party began.
Francesca Abbracciamento of Francesca Events posing with me.
Eventiste and friend Marcy Blum sporting the high heels at the Step-and-Repeat.
Delish passed hors d'oeuvres were passed all night by Peter Callahan's team at
Callahan Catering.
Couldn't resist this image of Matthew Robbins and me! Love him.
Darcy, Jennifer and me before the crowds arrived.
Jillian from 100 Layer Cake and the amazing Mel Barlow, the talent behind the photos.

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