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Darcy's Family Show

As promised, more about the Family show by Darcy Miller, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia.

So Darcy told me she was putting on a show at Andy Spade's new space, Partners & Spade, and could I help? She was planning a section of the show to be interactive -- each guest who donated to Mt. Sinai hospital would receive a family photo, taken on the spot, an illustration of the family drawn by Darcy and a caption by master calligrapher Bernard Maisner. An instant shadow box for all! My job was to coordinate the "assembly line" and production of the process.

I went over to Darcy's home one night to get a better idea of the project. As I entered her lovely apartment I encountered a sea of scrapbooks, images, drawings, shadow boxes and momentos that Darcy was collecting for the show. My jaw dropped at the enormity of the project and the ambition of the work -- incredible. Darcy's dedication to memorializing her family life is impressive, and her illustrations, charming and precious.

Hundreds of guests came to the show, and thousands were raised for pediatric endocrinology and diabetes by Darcy's clever keepsakes. Everyone was bowled over -- the show was a hit! So if you weren't incredulous over her enormous role in shaping the wedding world -- now you can be impressed by her artistic talent, her loving parenting and prolific artwork.
The Partners & Spade gallery is filled with esoteric and personal collections.
A photograph of my Partner, Jennifer, and her son, Beckett. Darcy's sketch is posted nearby. A charming cake topper from the show.
Lucky guests received stunning images by the extremely talented Donna Newman and her technologically significant other, Ian.
Some of the shadow-box keepsakes in the show.
The famous wedding scrapbook, every wedding nuance, captured!
Darcy's darling daughters and images under glass.
Guests received buttons stating, "Mom Rules", "I look like my dog", "Favorite Child" and "Problem Child." Guess which one I took?
Full size illustrated blow ups greet guests.
Guests received cute boxes topped with fashionable families -- there were lots of those attending the show!
Chocolate lollipops with The Kate & Andy Spade family and Darcy & Andy Nussbaum family smoothed small visitors waiting to have their photo taken.
Just in case you forget...
Martha and me -- lots of the Martha Stewart Weddings and Living family were there to enjoy the show.

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