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Wonderful Wedgwood

Earlier in the year I blogged about one of my favourite sources of inspiration - French Style and Decoration. Well recently I purchased the sister book English Style and Decoration and it is equally as interesting.

English Style and Decoration by Stafford Cliff, from $19.51 plus shipping at Amazon.

I was thrilled to find these early illustrations from Wedgwood - I think they are incredibly beautiful especially with the delicate handwritten notes indicating colour choices and design decisions. Derived from the Italian 'majolica' pattern of the sixteenth century, these two designs are taken from Wedgwood's archives from the 1850s and 1860s. Such fine examples of beauty in nature.

Shell Oyster Tray

Apple blossom flower pot

At Wedding Style Guide we are lucky to enjoy a wonderful relationship with Wedgwood - we often use their products in our magazine and they have been a valued advertiser for some time now. With a wealth of history that includes beautiful designs like these, no doubt they will continue to remain as popular as ever.

Posted by Jane Cameron

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