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Wedding Planner

The ladies from Evotive sent me a sample of their new wedding planning notebook, Be Wed. I like the environmentally friendly aspect of the guide, the modern casing and the elegant graphics. A disk with extra printable pages is always useful too. I think the pages for vendor comparisons a bit much, and some of these fill-in pages I personally would plug straight into a database (like a guest list), but overall, a cool and useful tool. I also like the overall organizational structure of "be prepared", "be inspired" and "be relaxed" that they devised. I suggest checking it out in person before purchasing, we have a review copy at the Wedding Library or they can be purchased on Amazon or at their web site. Happy Planning!!

1 comment:

  1. Quite informative post on wedding planner and his planning. Few months ago, I arranged my brother’s wedding reception by hiring a reputed wedding planner. He booked one of graceful New York wedding venues and arranged a grand wedding.
