I was reading In-Style recently and Peggy Post revealed the Top 7 Worries for Brides.
7. Getting along well with future in-laws
6. Drawing up-and trimming-a guest list that does not offend
5. Staying within the wedding budget
4. Keeping attendants happy and involved
3. Politely managing hundreds of details (ceremony, reception, etc.)
2. Corny as it might sound, keeping the magic alive with future husband
1. And the single biggest worry...being gorgeous and calm on your big day
These are all very valid concerns and quite frankly hiring a good wedding planner can help with most of these issues. I know it sounds like a shame-less plug {it kind of is - check out our website}
A good wedding consultant, can help you the days, weeks and months leading up to your wedding day making sure you look gorgeous, stay calm, your girls are well taken care of and happy, make sure you stay within budget - all well within a good Wedding Consultant, such as the fantastically amazing consultants at MasterPiece Weddings!
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