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Summer Wedding Hint

Hands up whoorganised a Summer Wedding? In Adelaide we are heading towards five days of HOTweather with 40 degrees Celsius on Sunday (100 degrees Fahrenheit) so we atWedding Style Guide thought it was time for a Summer Wedding Hint for your man!

The groom’sjob is to look gorgeous, fresh, unflustered and perfect in every photo all daybut Summer has ways of bringing even the coolest customer undone. 

Guystend to just grab the jacket and go. But when it’s off to be married on asummer’s day, when the thermometer hits record highs, you can’t rely on gettingthrough the most important day of your life without planning for the heat.

Tolook good you must be comfortable. Choose a light fabric for your suit, don’tbe caught in a winter-weight weave. If wearing a vest, make sure it has a satinback which will be more suitable.

You could even choose a vest that looks good WITH the jacket off! 

Checkout the suit without the jacket. In extreme heat and later when dancing, thejacket will probably be removed; the pants have to look flattering.

It’snot a regular day, most grooms are nervous and nerves can lead to more sweatingthan usual. Add in the heat factor and a perspiration condition can really kickin. Carry a crisp, white cotton handkerchief to wipe a glistening brow and damphands. Tissues can disintegrate quickly and leave you without the help youneed. There will be a lot of handshaking, your hands should be wiped dry,nobody likes to touch a clammy paw.

It’sa long, long day with many potential grooming pitfalls like the shirt gettingsoaked with sweat early in the day or red wine being spilled down the frontlater in the evening. It’s all happened before; a wet shirt is not a good look.Hot feet perspiring and starting to smell as if they were in a pair of gymsneakers is embarrassing. Perspiration can be a nightmare on hair, making itfall flat. It’s wise to have wardrobe and grooming quick fixes on hand to makesure you look your best and the photographs show a great looking groom, not adamp one.

Packa smart looking bag and include all the emergency grooming odds and ends thatwill end up saving the day by making you feel fresh and look crisp.

  • a spare pair of socks
  • hanky
  • a spare shirt on a coathanger, so it doesn’tget creased,
  • deodorant,
  • hair product,
  • shoe cleaner,
  • breath freshener.
  • If a fiveo’clock shadow tends to appear at 3pm, throw in the shaver and some aftershave.Don’t use a new aftershave for the first time on your wedding day, it won’t smelllike you and it could cause an allergy and skin rash.

Youmay not need to turn to these reserves, but if you do; it will be a lifesaver.Pop the hold-all into the boot of a car of someone you know will be there untilthe end.

Beingone of the two stars on the wedding day is a bit like running a marathon, lookafter yourself from the start with a good breakfast. This will help get youthrough the day and give energy to battle the heat.

Reassessthe wedding day’s morning activities.

A game of golf with mates might soundlike a great idea, but if it’s 40 degrees, you might exhaust yourself and notfeel 100% for the wedding itself. Heat stroke is a real possibility. Take iteasy on the morning of your wedding.

Havebottles of water handy all day, don’t become dehydrated, or you mightn’t feelon top of the world. If you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated, so drinklots of water.
Most of all have a great day
and keep your cool!

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57 Grand is in Martha Stewart Weddings!

Our favorite new line has hit the newstands in our favorite bridal magazine -- great minds think alike. It's the Riverside, and you can find it in NYC at the Wedding Library.

Suitably Dressed Morning Suit Groom's Guide

Suitably Dressed Groom's Guide
Morning dress has always been a popular choice for those hankering after a traditional wedding with all the trimmings.

But did you know that not under any circumstance should a morning suit be worn to a wedding that starts after five in the afternoon?

Morning suits are a great choice for those weddings to be held in the colder months too!
Dress 4
Duke and Duchess
of Cambridge

Four Weddings
and a Funeral
Hugh Grant was the ultra-attractive groomsman in full morning suit regalia in Four Weddings and a Funeral. It's entirely possible that his heartstopping good looks in the formal outfit single-handedly prompted the renaissance of this classic!
Don't worry if it's not a morning event despite the name, morning dress can be worn into the afternoon to weddings held before five o'clock.
Wine for Lauren
The morning coat or cut-away is usually black or dark Oxford grey and has tails. The shape differs from a traditional tail coat and is closer to a frock coat in style, the skirt of the coat is knee length.

Formal trousers, traditionally worn with a morning coat, are grey striped with one pleat on each leg and should not have cuffs.

Custom prescribes a grey, buff or white waistcoat, double or single breasted; weddings are the only occasion that colour variations are permitted. Braces should be worn to prevent the waistband from appearing beneath the waistcoat.

Etiquette dictates that only the father of the bride and the groom wear grey morning coats; other bridal party members wear black coats. These days this rule is rarely enforced but a rule is a rule!

At weddings an Ascot tie or cravat is worn with a wing collar, however in more recent times a plain black long tie is acceptable, worn with a turn down collar. If the shirt has a turn down collar it should have sleeves with a double cuff fastened with cufflinks. On a wing collar shirt there should be a single cuffs fastened with cufflinks; a shirt with detachable collar and cuffs is the more traditional option.

The shirt can be either pleated or plain, the most formal shirt colour is white, however if a coloured or striped shirt is worn it should have a contrasting white collar and cuff.

Ascot Tie

How to make
an Ascot Tie

Beautiful "I Do"
Wedding Cufflinks

In The Man's Book (2006) by Thomas Fink it states that if ever there was a time to wear a buttonhole, this is it. A simple white carnation or other white bloom attached to the lapel is most appropriate for morning suits.

The Man's Book
by Thomas Fink

Shoes should be a plain black Oxford style with laces and without brogue detail; never patent leather which is reserved for formal evening occasions. Black or dark grey silk or wool socks are appropriate.
For the ultra traditionalist a grey or black top hat and grey gloves completes the ensemble. According to Vogue's Book of Etiquette, in the 1940s a walking stick or umbrella was the height of correctness to complete the tradtional morning suit look.
 Vogue's Book of Etiquette
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Happy Holidays!

As this year draws to a close I am taking a moment to reflect and be grateful for the friends and family who surround us, the clients and artists who support us and the triumphs and challenges that form our history and future. Thank you all, and the happiest of holiday seasons from my family to yours!

Announcing the Wedding Party!

It's baaack! We are excited to announce the Wedding Party is on Sunday, January 29 -- so don't forget to save the date. We also are having special pre-sale pricing of tickets to help you out on your holiday shopping. ($75 for one ticket and $125 for you and a guest). A perfect present for your favorite bride!
Click here to see our list of confirmed participants to date...(plenty more surprises to come!)

Wedding Style Guide Latest Poll

Red Wedding Dress Poll Results
In November we presented a selection of RED wedding gowns for you to decide which you like the most.
The poll ended up a DRAW with two clear winners!
Dress 4
Dress 4

Dress 8
You can see all of the dresses and full results of the Red Wedding Dress Poll by clicking here.
Wedding Style Guide is pleased to annouce the winner of the Red Wedding Dress Poll that closed on 15th December.

Lauren Pool of Victoria has won a dozen South Australian wines! Congratulations!
Wine for Lauren

Today we have released the latest POLL
You can vote on THE BRIDE'S GOWN
We have taken a small selection of gowns that feature in our Latest Look Book, The Bride's Gown and put them in a Poll for you to choose which one you like the most!
Vote and go into the draw to win a VALENTINE'S DAY BASKET for the one you love!

Below are the gowns you can vote on!
Included are new release Bridal Gowns from the 2012 collections by Angela Marcuccio Haute Couture,
Karen Willis Holmes,
and Romance is Born to mention just a few !

174 pages of bridal gowns for your inspiration:

The Bride's Gown Look Book.

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Stand Up or Sit Down Reception?

Bridal couples are looking for the best of both worlds!

We are a sociable bunch these days and the traditional sit down reception can restrict your friends really mingling and enjoying your wedding. Have you ever thought about having a caterer offer a roving entrée, seated main, followed by a roving dessert?

This idea could be perfect for food-loving couples who can’t make their mind up between a sit-down and cocktail-style reception. It is a great idea and could mean a lot more fun for your family and friends at your wedding.

The key to this experience for your guests would be the delivery of a variety of dishes to sample, as this can become a part of the fun. It can add to the social air as your guests discuss the delicious food they are being served. A roving selection of fine canapés and drinks gives you time to greet your guests and relax before being seated for the main course.

A new, modern way to approach your reception, capitalising on the social aspect of a cocktail style reception, with the traditional twist of a sit down main added in for good measure. A good caterer can deliver guests a larger array of food options with this style and your guests will love you for it.

But let’s face it at the end of a long day of socialising your guests will also be relieved to sit down, relax and tuck into a main meal. So what about a roving dessert? When the drinks are flowing and the guests are getting merry, nothing should stand in the way of the dance floor – not even the dessert!

Opting for a roving dessert during the most social time of the evening is the perfect way to get the party started. A selection of canapé style desserts will allow your guests to get up on the dance floor and back into the groove of the day.

Having a stand up and sit down reception could give you and your guests the best of both worlds.

You can read more about this option in an article from Forte Catering & Events, an award-winning, Sydney-based caterer, on our website.

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57Grand in the House!

We are so excited to be the new flagship for 57Grand, a young, fresh and "downtown" dress line for our hippest bridesmaids! We love that it's a hometown collection inspired by New York City and that these dresses are available in super cute, bright colors and wonderful fabrics. Make an appointment to check out the newest addition to our family.

"The Bride's Gown" !

Down load "The Bride's Gown" and get some inspiration.....!!!

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Style Me Pretty Feature Today

I love planning a classic wedding. And this one embodied the quintessential elegance of a "picture perfect" event. On Style Me Pretty today, check it out.

Red Dress Poll...

Don't forget to vote for YOUR best red dress...voting ends at midnight tonight..... visit
www.styleguide.com.au and have your say to win one dozen beautiful South Australian wines...Great for Christmas......
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"The Bride's Gown"..!!!

Take a moment to view our STUNNING new look book..."The Bride's Gown"....Have a look at what's new and what brides and grooms are doing to make their day special and memorable.......do click on the link below and let your imagination do the rest.....!!!!
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First Aid Kit.!

St John's Ambulance quite rightly pointed out that many people forget the basics now days especially when planning outdoor weddings......a First Aid Kit...

Do visit our website www.styleguide.com.au as we will be including an article from St John's Ambulance Services....

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Have you voted on what you think the best Red Wedding Dress is...??? Click on the link below and have your say...time is running out.....

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Top 10 Tips....

Good morning to everyone on this beautiful bright and sunny Tuesday morning....we do hope that where ever you are in the world the day is as great as ours......!!!! Today we would like to share ten tips in planning your wedding..Click on the link and enjoy....... www.styleguide.com.au

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